A continuation and final article on how to set up cloud computing on Ubuntu. This information is originally posted here.
In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we saw how to set up a minimal cloud infrastructure and bundle a basic image (and test it). In this final article, we’ll play with our cloud from an end-user perspective.
Setting up the web UI
First of all, before accepting end users, as the administrator of the cloud you will have to setup a few things on the web UI. Using your favorite browser, you should:
* Open https://cloudcontroller:8443/
* Log in using the default user/password: admin/admin
* Change the default password, setup the cloud admin email address
* Logout
Setting up the cloud client
We’ll use Ubuntu 9.10 beta for this purpose, as it includes all the needed packages, and it’s so great ! You will have to install the following packages:
$ sudo apt-get install euca2ools unzip
Registering on UEC, getting credentials
As the end-user, fire up your favorite browser and:
* Open https://cloudcontroller:8443/
* Click “Apply” and enter your end user details
If you set up the email correctly on your cloud controller, it should send an email to the cloud admin address asking him to approve that request. Follow the instructions on that email to approve the account as the admin.
You should then get an email at the end user email address asking you to confirm the account request. Follow the instructions on that email, then you can log in on the web UI:
* Open https://cloudcontroller:8443/
* Login using your end user username and password
* Click “Download Credentials” in the “Credentials” tab
* Note the EMI reference you can use on the “Images” tab
Starting up an instance
You should unzip the credentials zipfile you just downloaded, then source the eucarc file and test the connection:
$ unzip euca2-enduser-x509.zip
$ . eucarc
$ euca-describe-availability-zones verbose
Setup a SSH key and allow connection to the SSH port:
$ euca-add-keypair enduserkey > enduserkey.priv
$ chmod 0600 enduserkey.priv
$ euca-authorize default -P tcp -p 22 -s
Then starting up an instance is just a matter of passing the right EMI and type:
$ euca-run-instances -k enduserkey emi-XXXXXXXX -t c1.medium
Enjoy !
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